
Grapefruit Gummies Lb


They are sweet and sour and look just like a wedge of grapefruit. TheGummy Grapefruit Slices, More sweet than sour, and far less piquant than their pinkish produce counterpart, they make...

Categories: Candy, Gummies

They are sweet and sour and look just like a wedge of grapefruit. The
Gummy Grapefruit Slices, More sweet than sour, and far less piquant than their pinkish produce counterpart, they make a lively treat for any cocktail party, birthday bash, or neighborhood get-together. Why not try some Gummy Grapefruit Slices  

Approx 40 pieces per pound

Ingredients & Allergens - Sugar, Corn Syrup, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Fumaric Acid, Starch, Artificial and Natural Flavors.

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